While I was pregnant I used to day dream of how it would be once she was here. We'd hang out in the office together...she'd play, I'd work. This all seems incredible ironic as she is starting to wail in the room next to me. Being a work at home Mom is tough...a lot tougher than I imagined. It's been tricky trying to find a balance between working, taking care of her, taking care of the house...and did I mention I will also return to work part time out of the house 2 days a week (or will in a few weeks)! I'm like Donna Reed meets Mary Tyler Moore, lol!
The first 2 months with her we haven't been on a set schedule...everything revolves around her! I've decided we need to get more organized and have some type of daily routine! Today is the start of a new week and with only 2 weeks before I return to my part time job, it's the perfect time to get ourselves a plan.
Kennedy isn't on any kind of a schedule yet but usually she gets up pretty early and eats. Then she dozes back off in her swing. This is my time to take a shower and start returning emails. She usually only interrupts me when it's time to eat again. Afternoons aren't as easy as she is starting to be more awake and alert but I also have Eric around to help out.
Monday- This is my busiest day of the week for the travel agencies. Everyone is settling back in after the weekend and is ready (hopefully) to book a magical vacation! Monday's will be dedicated mostly to the travel agency
Tuesday- I'll work my part time job. I'll be working 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while my Mother-In-Law watches Kennedy
Wednesday- Mail day! Wednesday's will be the day I send out all documents to my clients
Thursday- Also working today 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday-Grocery shopping. In an upcoming post I'll talk about our struggle to keep our grocery bill down while eating healthy!
Saturday/Sunday-Cleaning the house. When I was a kid, Saturday mornings was when we completed our chores. Looks like Kennedy will have a similar memory!
Of course in the midst of all of that I'll have laundry, practically every day. Since we use cloth diapers, we do a lot of laundry.
There is also the task of meal planning and just keeping up with every day chores. Being a work at home mom is like no other job I've ever had. It's hard and stressful and the most rewarding thing I've every done. I love being at home every day with my little girl and realize how lucky I am to have this opportunity.
The best part about this is you are going to look back at this time next year and think how much you miss the chaos--You will be a pro by then <3