1ad·ven·ture: an exciting or remarkable experience

About Me

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Welcome to our Blog!! My name is Amanda and I've been married to my wonderful husband Eric since March 2010. We are new homeowners and just welcomed first child, Kennedy Sophia in June 2011. I work from home as a Disney Travel Expert and am loving it!! I have always wanted to do something I'm passionate about and now I'm doing it!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I love to write

When I was a child, my favorite subject in school was English...geek, I know. I loved that I could let my imagination run wild and "empty" my brain onto paper. I regret not keeping more of my work but I recently found several papers dated 1992.  They were pretty funny to go through...I had quite the imagination, lol!  I decided to kick off my blog, every Friday I will try my hand at a bit of creative writing! Here is my first attempt!

This exercise must begin with writing the word Remember 3 times and it should prompt something.


Remember when life was simpler?  Remember when the sound of the shrill whistle caused your feet and legs to smart moving before you realized that it was Dad calling you home? Remember when we were spies and the only thing we had was a map and a flashlight? Remember where the map is?  Remember the Arctic adventure we took and the lodge we stopped at for hot chocolate (I learned French there)? Remember when I was a teacher and you were my student? Remember the intense kickball games? Remember the icing on the brownies? Remember that you got a stupid red wagon? Remember "our" day? Remember walking to day camp? Remember boondoggle? I do.

Not the most creative thing I've ever written but it was fun and sure evoked a lot of memories.  Dedicated to my baby brother.


  1. i LOVE this! I may have to borrow it! (the remember activity)

  2. I wish I could remember more than I do. I have the worse memory ever. I can't even remember things I did in high school :(
