1ad·ven·ture: an exciting or remarkable experience

About Me

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Welcome to our Blog!! My name is Amanda and I've been married to my wonderful husband Eric since March 2010. We are new homeowners and just welcomed first child, Kennedy Sophia in June 2011. I work from home as a Disney Travel Expert and am loving it!! I have always wanted to do something I'm passionate about and now I'm doing it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thanks to the kindness of strangers...

To say that I am overwhelmed at the outpouring of support from friend, family and, well...strangers, would be putting it lightly. In just about a week we have raised over $1,800! We are less than $500 away from our goal.

As thrilled as I am with how much we've raised, my heart is still broken. I wish every single day that we didn't have to do this. I keep hoping I get a phone call about the miracle that cured Caleb. It's not fair...no one should have to deal with this much less a little boy.

If you know me, you know that my family has a history of cancer, so this hits home especially hard. We lost my Dad's baby sister when I was just 12 years old. That was the first time I saw my Dad cry.  We also lost my Grandfather to this horrific disease and my family hasn't been the same since...and never will.  My dad was diagnosed last year with Thyroid cancer and I'm happy to report that as of his last appointment he is still Cancer free.

Thank you again to every single person...whether you donated $1 or $200.  This means a lot to me, and will to Caleb's family I'm sure.  We are so close to paying off their trip...a phone call I can't wait to make!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Send Caleb to Walt Disney World

Recently I have been working with a lot of great clients. That is the best part of my job. Two families in particular have been a lot of fun to work with.  They are actually traveling to Disney at the same time as my family. It's their first visit and we've had a blast planning it.

2 days ago I received word that 6 year old Caleb, the son of one of the families was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. His mom said Chemo and radiation would just be too hard on his body.

I can't express how heartbroken I am. I have cried many times already for Caleb and his family.   No one deserves to go through this but especially not a 6 year old. Right now Caleb's biggest wish is to go on the trip to Disney that his Mom and I have been planning. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens. If you are reading this and can afford to donate just a little, please do...every little big helps.

Right now I'm going to hug my baby so tight and say lots of prayers for Caleb and his family.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Diary of a Work at Home Mom

I'll admit it...I have my dream job, or rather one of my dream jobs.  I get to help people travel to my absolute favorite place on earth. I get to share something I'm passionate about and help families create memories. There is nothing like it in the word. I feel incredibly blessed for the turn of events that led me here.  Another amazing bonus to this is that I get to stay home with my beautiful daughter. 

While I was pregnant I used to day dream of how it would be once she was here.  We'd hang out in the office together...she'd play, I'd work.  This all seems incredible ironic as she is starting to wail in the room next to me.  Being a work at home Mom is tough...a lot tougher than I imagined.  It's been tricky trying to find a balance between working, taking care of her, taking care of the house...and did I mention I will also return to work part time out of the house 2 days a week (or will in a few weeks)!  I'm like Donna Reed meets Mary Tyler Moore, lol!

The first 2 months with her we haven't been on a set schedule...everything revolves around her! I've decided we need to get more organized and have some type of daily routine!  Today is the start of a new week and with only 2 weeks before I return to my part time job, it's the perfect time to get ourselves a plan.

Kennedy isn't on any kind of a schedule yet but usually she gets up pretty early and eats. Then she dozes back off in her swing.  This is my time to take a shower and start returning emails. She usually only interrupts me when it's time to eat again. Afternoons aren't as easy as she is starting to be more awake and alert but I also have Eric around to help out.

Monday- This is my busiest day of the week for the travel agencies. Everyone is settling back in after the weekend and is ready (hopefully) to book a magical vacation! Monday's will be dedicated mostly to the travel agency
Tuesday- I'll work my part time job. I'll be working 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while my Mother-In-Law watches Kennedy
Wednesday- Mail day! Wednesday's will be the day I send out all documents to my clients
Thursday- Also working today 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday-Grocery shopping. In an upcoming post I'll talk about our struggle to keep our grocery bill down while eating healthy!
Saturday/Sunday-Cleaning the house. When I was a kid, Saturday mornings was when we completed our chores.  Looks like Kennedy will have a similar memory!

Of course in the midst of all of that I'll have laundry, practically every day.  Since we use cloth diapers, we do a lot of laundry. 

There is also the task of meal planning and just keeping up with every day chores.  Being a work at home mom is like no other job I've ever had. It's hard and stressful and the most rewarding thing I've every done. I love being at home every day with my little girl and realize how lucky I am to have this opportunity.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I love to write

When I was a child, my favorite subject in school was English...geek, I know. I loved that I could let my imagination run wild and "empty" my brain onto paper. I regret not keeping more of my work but I recently found several papers dated 1992.  They were pretty funny to go through...I had quite the imagination, lol!  I decided to kick off my blog, every Friday I will try my hand at a bit of creative writing! Here is my first attempt!

This exercise must begin with writing the word Remember 3 times and it should prompt something.


Remember when life was simpler?  Remember when the sound of the shrill whistle caused your feet and legs to smart moving before you realized that it was Dad calling you home? Remember when we were spies and the only thing we had was a map and a flashlight? Remember where the map is?  Remember the Arctic adventure we took and the lodge we stopped at for hot chocolate (I learned French there)? Remember when I was a teacher and you were my student? Remember the intense kickball games? Remember the icing on the brownies? Remember that you got a stupid red wagon? Remember "our" day? Remember walking to day camp? Remember boondoggle? I do.

Not the most creative thing I've ever written but it was fun and sure evoked a lot of memories.  Dedicated to my baby brother.


Welcome to my blog! For some time now I've wanted to get back into writing a blog, but I couldn't figure out just what I wanted to write about.  While browsing the web I was looking at some weddings inspired by the movie UP!  Both my husband and I adore this movie and that's when it hit me...life is too short and while we may have settled down with our little family, our life has been quite the adventure! After all, the definition of adventure is an exciting or remarkable experience.  Thanks for reading along and sharing in our adventure!